Bank of Hawaii (BOH) Altimeter

The chart below is a representation of the Bank of Hawaii (BOH) altimeter. BOH has increased its dividend every year for 31 years in a row. As we can see, BOH's altimeter has been in a rising trend for quite some time.That trend was recently broken during the recent banking crisis.
The channel that BOH has managed to fluctuate within suggests that the stock is overvalued at the high end and undervalued at the low end. The period of extreme overvaluation is reflected in 2003 and started to move in a declining trend to undervaluation when BOH increased the dividend from $0.19 to $0.30.

There are two periods of extreme undervaluation in the altimeter. The first level of extreme undervaluation hit bottom in October 2000. The second period was most recently in March of this year. If the stock were to go back to the "historical" low end of the range, BOH would be priced at $54 a share. Although we do not have an extensive history on the periods of extreme undervaluation, it could be inferred that, based on the altimeter, an investment in BOH while not risk free, could be considered low risk.

At least one hitch to my assessment on BOH, in terms of the altimeter, is the fact that the low in March 2009, around the 60 level, could be part of a normal low range that is being established for the stock. If the 60 level is the low end of a new long-term range, my best guess is that the 110 level is the upper end of the range. At the 110 level, BOH stock price would be $49.50.

Only time will tell whether the escalating failure of banks is going to spread even further. However, BOH has managed to fare better than most banks of a similar size. As a further indication of BOH's strength, the dividend increase in November 2008 suggests that management believes the company will survive through the present banking liquidation cycle. Regardless of BOH's strength, I wouldn't be surprised if BOH does not increase the dividend in November. However, if a cut in the dividend takes place then I would be more cautious on the company and the stock. Touc.

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